Falstadsenterets samlinger består av gjenstander, fotografier, dokumenter og intervjumateriale. Hvert år mottar vi tilskudd til samlingen i form av donasjoner, ofte fra etterkommere av tidligere falstadfanger. Enkelte gjenstander vises permanent i museet. Annet arkivmateriale hentes fram for skiftende utstillinger, for undervisning, eller det studeres som primærkilder av studenter og forskere. Når de ikke brukes i forskning, formidling eller pedagogiske sammenhenger, har arkivaliene sin faste plass i senterets magasin, der de oppbevares under trygge forhold. I 2010 er det ti år siden Stiftelsen Falstadsenteret ble etablert. I den anledning ønsker vi å vise fram flere av de skattene vi tar vare på og fortelle om historier som knytter seg til dem. I denne bloggen byr vi på glimt fra arkivet, og inviterer samtidig publikum til å dele sin kunnskap om historien og sporene etter den.
The collections of the Falstad Centre consist of objects, photos, documents and interviews. Every year we recieve new additions to the collections, mostly through donations from descendants of former inmates in the Falstad prison camp. Most of the material is placed in the archives. Some of the objects are permanently exhibited in the museum, and some are also used in temporary exhibitions and educational programs, or they are studied as primary sources by historians. In 2010 the Falstad Centre celebrates its tenth anniversary. In this occation we wish to make known our hidden treasures and the stories they carry. This blog offers glimpses into the archives, and invites the public to contribute with their own knowledge of history.
The collections of the Falstad Centre consist of objects, photos, documents and interviews. Every year we recieve new additions to the collections, mostly through donations from descendants of former inmates in the Falstad prison camp. Most of the material is placed in the archives. Some of the objects are permanently exhibited in the museum, and some are also used in temporary exhibitions and educational programs, or they are studied as primary sources by historians. In 2010 the Falstad Centre celebrates its tenth anniversary. In this occation we wish to make known our hidden treasures and the stories they carry. This blog offers glimpses into the archives, and invites the public to contribute with their own knowledge of history.
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