4: Snekkerlærer Hanssens verktøykasse
Bruken av verkstedet tok ikke slutt med okkupasjonen av skolehjemmet i 1941. Det var i bruk både av SS-leiren, og etter krigen av Innherad tvangsarbeidsleir og Ekne offentlige skole.
Snekkerutstyret som Hanssen brukte i sin lærergjerning ble donert til Falstadsenteret i 2009. I en hjemmesnekret trekasse finner vi blant annet tvinger, høvler og klubber. Gjenstandsnummer: FSM 1159.
Ludolf Martens Hansen (1878–1955) from Lofoten came to Falstad in 1902, to serve as a carpentry teacher at the boarding school for delinquent boys. He was educated as a cabinet maker in Trondheim, and worked at Falstad until he retired in 1944. The new main building at Falstad was completed in 1921. The carpenter’s workshop was located in the building’s ground floor, the room now known as Verkstedet (The Workshop)
The workshop was still in use after the Germans occupied the Falstad building in 1941. It was part of the SS-camp, and after the war it was used by the forced labour camp for collaborators (1945–49), and by the school for challenged children (1951–1992).
The carpenter tools Hanssen used as a teacher were donated to The Falstad Centre in 2009. Among the tools in this home-made wooden chest, we find planers and wooden clubs. Item number: FSM 1159.
3: Datteren på Valum
En av fangene var serberen Ljuban Vuković, i ettertid best kjent som graver i Falstadskogen. En dag i 1944 fikk han med seg et bilde av den 27 år gamle Ingeborg Selbo, datter på Valum. På grunnlag av fotografiet laget en av medfangene hans denne tegningen. Portrettet er tegnet med kull, på et tøystykke som Ingeborg hadde sendt med.
Vi kjenner ikke identiteten til kunstneren bak tegningen, foruten at han skal ha vært fra det tidligere Sovjetunionen. Under portrettet står det skrevet: "Til Ingeborg. Frå Mikol". Tallene "IX.IX.44" er trolig bildets datering. (Gjenstandsnummer: FSM 49:5)
During the war several prisoners at Falstad were ordered to work in the forest at the farm Valum nearby the camp. This type of work represented a much desired break from prison life, and also a possibility of eating, resting and being cared for by members of the local community. Many of the prisoners expressed their gratitude towards local residents by giving them things made in the camp workshops.
One day in 1944 the Serbian prisoner Ljuban Vuković brought a photograph with him from work at Valum farm - a portrait of Ingeborg Selbo, the 27 year old daughter of the farmer. One of Ljuban's co-prisoners then made this drawing with charcoal on a piece of cloth as a gift to her.
We don't know the identity of the artist who made the drawing. All we know is that he was from the former Soviet Union. The text written at the bottom of the picture says: "To Ingeborg. From Mikol". The numbers "IX.IX.44" is probably the date of drawing. (Item number FSM 49:5)
2: Et fangearbeid
1: Knut Gjørtz forteller om falstadfange nr.424 - Josef Grabowski
Dette klippet fra et intervju med tidligere falstadfange Knut Gjørtz er et av flere spor i Falstadsenterets arkiv som vitner om fangenskapet til den jødiske kantoren Josef Grabowski høsten 1942. Grabowski var født i Polen, levde som flyktning i Norge 1939-42, og døde i Auschwitz i 1943. Hans historie er grunnlaget for et nytt undervisningsopplegg om holocaust for videregående skoler våren 2010. En tilhørende studieutstilling åpner på Falstadsenteret 7. februar.
This excerpt from an interview with former Falstad inmate Knut Gjørtz is one out of several sources of information about the imprisonment of the Jewish cantor Josef Grabowski at Falstad in autumn 1942. Grabowski was born in Poland, lived as a refugee in Norway 1939-42, and died in Auschwitz in 1943. His story forms the core of a new educational program about the Holocaust offered to students visiting the Falstad Centre during spring 2010. A historical study exhibition about the life of Josef Grabowski is opened on February 7th.
Falstadarkivet hilser godt nytt år 2010
The collections of the Falstad Centre consist of objects, photos, documents and interviews. Every year we recieve new additions to the collections, mostly through donations from descendants of former inmates in the Falstad prison camp. Most of the material is placed in the archives. Some of the objects are permanently exhibited in the museum, and some are also used in temporary exhibitions and educational programs, or they are studied as primary sources by historians. In 2010 the Falstad Centre celebrates its tenth anniversary. In this occation we wish to make known our hidden treasures and the stories they carry. This blog offers glimpses into the archives, and invites the public to contribute with their own knowledge of history.